Thursday 27 June 2013

Programming your Crystals

Encoding/Programming Your Stones

The purpose of programming your crystals is to focus its abilities on something you specifically need, thereby magnifying the crystals intent through your own. It then becomes a much more useful and powerful tool. Hold the crystal in your hand and sense its energy. Do this after it has been cleansed. As you sense the energy, appreciate it, ask quietly to be connected to it, even though they are not animate, they are still living things.
You can now place your hands lightly on your crystals and say a few words of dedication, such as, ‘I dedicate these crystals to the angelic realms, and I deepen my connection and heighten my receptivity to angelic guidance.  Once you have sensed what you can from the energy then think of what you will be using that particular crystal for. Ask if the gemstone is willing to act in the way you wish. The crystals energy may increase with a yes or seem to fade with a no. Once you have been given the all clear so to speak, your crystal has now been energised and will be very powerful.
All crystals can help us gain insight into the angelic domain, but some angels and archangels do have a certain affinity for particular crystals. Use your own intuition when choosing which crystals to use, but in the next lesson I will give you some ideas of which stones augur well with which Archangels.
extract from Angel Healing

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